
FCA Endurance

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Treasure Valley FCA Endurance

This ministry gives adult Christian athletes and all who support endurance athletics the chance to tell the world why they do the things they do and why they are the people they are. The ministry’s goal is to unite people competing for a common goal (to glorify God) and create a stronger front to influence others and defeat spiritual warfare going on in society and sports. It also serves as a way for believers to recognize each other and share in a closer fellowship with one another while enjoying endurance sports.

We meet the second Friday of the month for a Bible Study. Please see the Yahoo monthly calander and postings for workout locations and times.

FCA Endurance National Web Site:

 PLEASE GO TO http://www.fcaendurance.com


FCA's Competitor's Creed  


You don't have to be an elite racer to join. Just a desire for serving others and sharing God's love in the endurance world!!!!

Why We Race

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you know that there is only one good reason to race: to glorify our God!

How do we do this?
– We worship God through our competing!

2. Build His Church – We experience fellowship with other believers, loving and encouraging them as we worship together through sport!

3.Make Disciples – We help others move closer to the Lord, either through witnessing to non-believers or sharpening our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Treasure Valley FCA Endurance Huddle Leader

Tony Bunt

Visit our Yahoo group for up to date information, rides, pictures, retreats, and other information or questions you may have.

Yahoo group: tvteamfcaendurance

URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/




Every successful product is the fruit of hard work, and this applies to every field of business. Intuition alone is not enough to create a product that people will love and use. You also need to do your research, thinking, planning, differentiating yourself, and more. Write about some of the challenges you faced in designing this product and what steps you and your team took to overcome them. 


Tell potential customers why they should invest in this product. Describe its benefits, its advantages over similar products, and its unique features. Make sure potential customers feel confident about investing their money in this product. Will it last a lifetime? Is it healthier than other products? Maybe it is unique and handmade? Whatever the value is, don’t be shy about bragging!

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