Old FCA Pages

Old Pages

Athlete Perspective

Do you want to grow  in your athletic ability and your particular sport of expertise? Do you want to  be pushed to grow as a Christian athlete through the leading and direction of Christ following coaches? Do you want to  be pumped up for Jesus Christ through fellowship with fellow athletes, worshipping and honoring the Lord Jesus Christ together?   ---

This camp will challenge you to become a better athlete, and leader on your teams

as well as making an impact with your teammates for Christ.

We have selected respected, top-quality coaches, and college athletes that love the Lord. These coaches

and college huddle leaders will push you in the skills and techniques of your sport

as well as leading you closer to Christ.

You and your teammates will experience an incredible week of inspiration and perspiration at FCA camp!

FCA Sports Camp is the place to be this summer!

Coach Perspective

During the week there are specific Coaches ministry times when we carve out of the daily grind the opportunity to dive into the Word of God together and rediscover why we are "called to Coach” by the Lord. The camp will challenge you to be all that God has called you to be as Coach, as a leader, mentor, teacher and disciplier to your athletes. It will challenge you to make your top priority Him in all that you do: your marriage, your relationships with your children and your relationships with your athletes.

As a Coach , do you want to pour life into athletes with the overflowing spring you've been given through Jesus Christ? Do you want  to train young individuals to play and compete with integrity and righteousness?   As a Coach, do you want   to challenge athletes to throw aside the weight of sin and clearing things, focusing on the prize set before us? Do you want  athletes to experience the joy of working out with all they have for the gracious Father and enjoying His good blessings through competition and training?  

If so, then FCA Sports Camp is a great place to serve this Summer!  

Parent Perspective

Do you want your  child to be encouraged that there are countless other young people, their age, seeking the Lord wholeheartedly? Do you want your child to know that they can use their athletic ability to glorify the Lord (because that is when they will truly find satisfaction.)?
  If so, then Send your son/daughter to FCA Camp this Summer!

Longtime FCA Board Member & FCA Champion, Jim Barnes, had a passion in helping get kids to the NW FCA Camp here in Idaho each summer. If you would like to honor him by continuing his legacy in helping kids who can't afford Camp,
Please CLICK HERE to contribute On-Line!
Thank You & God Bless You! - The Jim & Letty Barnes Family
(or send a camp scholarship donation to:)
FCA Idaho * NNU Box 3359  623 S University Blvd
Nampa, ID  83686



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